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    Canine Proprioception, Balance, Co-ordination and Fitness.

    Lori Stevens & Sam Turner

    Join us for a unique weekend with two of the world’s foremost authorities in Canine Proprioception, Balance, Co-ordination and Fitness.

    Why should you learn about proprioception? Dogs that are self-aware and have good motor skills are more self-confident and teaching proprioception to a less confident or anxious dog can teach these dogs to be more confident in themselves and their handlers.

    Your dog’s physical fitness affects all aspects of their lives; behaviour, welfare, health etc. During this weekend Lori and Sam will teach easy to learn skills for you to get the most out of your dog, whether you are a dog guardian, vet, vet nurse, involved in dog massage, hydrotherapy or physiotherapy and so much more.

    You will learn

    • how your dog moves and what that means
    • how to recognise early warning signs
    • how to create healthy exercise regimes for dogs of all ages, types and breeds.

    This is an often neglected field and a little knowledge goes a long way into raising awareness of the subject.


    September 2019

    • Saturday 21st September (0930-1700)
    • Sunday 22nd September (0930-1700)


    Pet Empawrium, 2 Glenburn Rd, East Kilbride, Glasgow G74 5BA

    CEU’s: Additional details pending for IAABC, CCPDT, and KPA.

    About the speakers:

    Lori Stevens

    Lori Stevens

    Lori Stevens (CPDT-KA, SAMP, CPBC, CCFT) is a Senior Tellington TTouch® practitioner for dogs, cats, and other animals. She is also a Certified Professional Dog Trainer; a certified Small Animal Massage Practitioner; a Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant; and a Certified Canine Fitness Trainer via the University of Tennessee. She is also the creator of the Balance Harness®.

    She uses humane, friendly, scientific, and innovative methods, in an educational environment, to improve the health, behavior, and performance of animals. Lori’s experience and approach are holistic and one of respect for animals as teachers. She continually studies the interactions among animal behavior, movement, learning, and health.

    Lori has an established companion animal practice in Seattle which offers private sessions. She also teaches workshops worldwide and has three DVDs produced by Tawzer Dog Videos. Lori teaches online classes at Fenzi Dog Sports Academy.

    Sam Turner

    Sam Turner (Netherlands)

    Sam graduated in Ethology at the Wageningen University in the Netherlands, then specialised in dog behaviour and training. For the past 6 years she has established her own dog training centre ‘Paws4Fun’. Sam is now a sought after presenter throughout Europe, training and educating other canine instructors on the subject of proprioception.

    Sam has co-authored and published a series of books alongside Martine Burgers, well known Dutch Osteopath, entitled ‘Your Dog Mentally and Physically Balanced for Life’.

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